Why Is A Man Allowed To Marry 4 Wives In Islam – Dr Zakir Naik

Muslim men are allowed to marry four five times, I think, and they don’t require their wife’s permission, you know, the first wife’s permission to marry. I mean, correct me if I’m wrong to marry more number of times. So I actually don’t see any logic in this because I believe it’s one man, one woman. That’s the institution of marriage. So please clarify. Thank you.
for coming to your second question. In Islam, men marry four time five times. And they don’t ask permission from the first Wife. Why?

As far as polygyny is concerned, a man having more than one wife. Islam is the only religion and Quran is the only religious scripture on the face of the earth, we can marry only one. There is no religious scripture besides the Quran, I must turn of comparative religion. which says marry only one. There is no verse in the Bible. No was in the Bhagavad Gita, nor was in the Veda we said Mary, only one except the Quran.

If you read the Hindu scriptures in Ramayan. the father of Shri Ram, how many wives did you have?
How many wives?
more than one more than one? Three wives?

Fine. She Christian. According to Marmara. How many wives that he have? Unlimited.

There four wife?
No, I have no idea. Not four not 100, not 1000 16,108 wife?
How many wives the 16,108. So why can’t we Muslim?
There four, what the problem when Shri Krishna can have 16,108 ran wife? Why can’t we have four?

further if you read, the Vishnu Purana chapter number 24 verse number one, it says, a Brahmin can have up to four wives. If you read the Jewish Scriptures, it gives you permission to have as many wives as you wish. If you’re the Christian Bible, it gives you permission to as many wives as you wish. If you read the Bible, Abraham had three wives, Solomon, how many wives yet he had 700 wives.
It is later on the church has put a band, that Christians should marry only one not the Bible. It is the Jewish community married more than one wife. It was in 1950, that Chief Rabay, Pastor sign Noid, that Jews should marry only one. So it is the rabay, not the Jewish Scriptures. And according to hindu scriptures, you can marry as many as you wish. It is the Indian government in 1954, passed a law called the Hindu special Marriage Act.

Hindu special Marriage Act which says, Hindus should marry only one. It is not the religious scripture in the Bhagavad Gita, it is not Ramayan, it is not maha barat, it is not VEDA it is the Indian Penal Code.
The Indian government, which has passed a law in 1954, that Hindus should marry only one, but according to the statistics of the status of the woman in Islam, if you read the government documents on page number 6667, it says that Muslims do polygamous marriages, you know, what is the percentage in India 4.3% How much in India 4.3% of the Muslim men do polygamous marriages, statistic between 1951 to 1961 Hindus how many 5.0 6.7% More than the Muslims in India, according to the Indian government, even though it is prohibited according the Indian law yet them do more polygamous marriages, then the then the Muslims.

now, less and less what does the Quran say?
Quran says in Surah Nisaa chapter four verse number three,

وَإِنْ خِفْتُمْ أَلَّا تُقْسِطُوا فِي الْيَتَامَىٰ فَانكِحُوا مَا طَابَ لَكُم مِّنَ النِّسَاءِ مَثْنَىٰ وَثُلَاثَ وَرُبَاعَ ۖ فَإِنْ خِفْتُمْ أَلَّا تَعْدِلُوا فَوَاحِدَةً أَوْ مَا مَلَكَتْ أَيْمَانُكُمْ ۚ ذَٰلِكَ أَدْنَىٰ أَلَّا تَعُولُوا
If you fear you might fail to give orphan women their ˹due˺ rights ˹if you were to marry them˺, then marry other women of your choice—two, three, or four. But if you are afraid you will fail to maintain justice, then ˹content yourselves with˺ one1 or those ˹bondwomen˺ in your possession.2 This way you are less likely to commit injustice.

married women have a choice and twos, threes or fours. But if you can’t do justice marry only one. This statement marry only one is only given in the Quran and no, there is a scripture.
It says married women have a choice in twos, threes or fours. But if you can’t do justice marry only one. So if you want to marry more than one woman, one of the criteria of the Quran is you should do justice. If you can’t do justice, you should marry only one.

Now, what are the reasons?
logical reasons a person can think that why has Islam permitted so attend men who have more than one wife. Many non Muslims think it is further, it is compulsory for Muslim man to have more than one woman, who have more than one wife. It’s not compulsory, it’s optional.

It’s not fard. It’s not compulsory. How many Muslim men do you know?
More than one wife?
How many do you know Sister?
How many do you know? A few?
How many?

A few again 123. How many?
At least about three over three. Have you heard of dharmen dhar?
Yeah. how many wives he has, Yes. Two more Muslim or non Muslim, non Muslim.
Your previous chief minister, what’s the name?
J. Jayalalithaa, yes, Hindu or Muslim?
Hindu, Hindu fine.

Now, these are famous personalities, fine, how many famous personalities you know in India wherever more than one wife, the three you know maybe locality fine.
Yeah, local may be friend, your neighbor or maybe a colleague in India there are more non Muslims having more than one wife than the Muslims.
Now, let her understand what are the logical reasons come back to logic now?
No by nature. If you ask any medical doctor, he will tell you, male and female are born in equal proportion.

Girls and boys are born in equal proportion. But any medical doctor, any pediatrician, any children doctor will tell you that the female sex, the female child is stronger than the male child.
That is the reason there are more deaths in the male children as compared to female children. So in children’s age itself, the female children are much more than the male children. As life grows on, there are people dying due to accidents due to alcoholism, due to war. There are more mainline as compared to females.
Today, if you analyze in the world, there are more females in the world as compared to males. There are few third world countries like India, where the male population is more than the female population. And do you know why?

The reason is because of female feticide and female infanticide. According to an article, a program which came on BBC, by the name let her die. The program was assignment, there was a British reporter by the name of Emily beckoning, she comes to India and she says that every year in India, more than 1 million fetuses are being aborted after the fact that there are females.
She says more than 3000 Every day, you multiply more than a million every year. According to the Tamil Nadu government hospital report, she gives the top six out of 10 female born alive, do you know how many are put to death?
Four, sister did you know that Tamil Nadu your state your beloved state according to the government statistics out of 10 females born alive in the government hospital for up to that.

there are billboards put in Rajasthan and your which says that spend 500 rupees and save 500,000 rupees. you know what does it indicate?
Spend 500 rupees do ultrasonography do amnio sentences and fight the child are carrying the female a border and save five lakh rupees 500,000 rupees, maybe a couple of 100,000 upbringing and the remaining 100,000 in dowry.

If you stop this evil practice in India, our beloved country stopped the female infanticide stop the female feticide even in India, the population of female will be more than the male population. If you see the rest of the world.

If you see in new york alone, there are 1 million females more than males. In USA alone, there are 7.8 million females more than males. In UK alone, there are 4 million females more than males.
In Germany alone, there are 5 million females more than males. In Russia alone. There are 9 million females more than males. And God alone knows how many millions of females are more than males throughout the world.
Suppose I agree with your philosophy sister who said. one man one woman if I agree with your sister, with your philosophy, one man one woman and suppose my sister happens to be in America or your sister happens to live in America. And suppose the market is saturated.

One man one woman, saturated yet there will be 7.8 million females who will NOT find life partners. One man one woman. Now the option for these 7.8 million females is either marry a man who already has a wife or become public property.

Who said Dr. Zakir Naik public property, such a harsh word, sister, it is the most sophisticated word I can use. I cannot use a more sophisticated word than public property.
According to States of America, do you know on average a man before he settles down with a wife, he had eight different sexual partners.
Do you know that on average, eight, some have and some may have 10. Some have 28 sexual partners before he settles down with one.

The only option remaining. So if my sister happens to live in America or if your sister happen to live in America and the option is given to her, and suppose the market is saturated. every man has found a woman for himself. And unfortunately, if my sister or if your sister happens to be one of the woman who has not found a life partner, the only option for them is either marry a man who already has a wife, or become public property anymore, this woman would opt for the first. Sister, what would you offer your sister marrying a man all the other wife will become public property.

My sister’s too young to be married when she grows up. And if you happen to go to America, or if you happen to be in America, third choice, what would you prefer for your elder sister?
Would you prefer becoming public property or marry a man who already has a wife and get equal rights and Islam?
If you have a second wife to give equal rights in America, the public property has got no rights. She’s degraded. She’s dishonored. And Islam. She has a equal right?
She gets honor. What would you prefer for a younger sister when she grows up?

Sometimes it’s difficult to speak the truth system, especially in front of such a large audience. Anyway, I’ve got the answer, sister.
Thank you. And your silence before that, so that there isn’t in Islam, sister, men have been allowed to marry more than one wife is to protect the woman not to degrade her.

Regarding a question, is it compulsory that the husband should take the permission of the wife?
It’s not compulsory, because if she wants to protect, if that man wants to protect and the woman, a normal woman, I agree with you, sister, no woman, under normal circumstances would like to share the husband.

You have to agree this is human nature. But if the woman is a good Muslim, or is a good Muslim woman, what she says let us small loss take place to prevent a big loss.
She will say I know sharing my husband and a love for me. But I would prefer letting a small loss take place for me to prevent my sister becoming public property. She’s a good human being. So she would surely give permission to the husband to marry a second woman if she’s a good Muslim woman.

But taking permission is not fard. It is preferable, but at least informing his requirements so that he does justice between the two guys.
Hope that answers your question system.
Thank you


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