Scholar EnglishAbu Bakr Zoud

When Sins Start Effecting Your Mental Health

I keep sinning, and I cannot stop. This is a phrase that runs in the minds of many of us. if not all of us. and this is something that bothers the conscience and the minds and the soul and the hearts of many of us. if not all of us, and it could become so destroying to the spiritual state of a person and the emotional state of a person. to the point where he begins to think of himself as being a hypocrite and thinking of himself that he is evil wrongdoer, corrupt human being, to the point where such people can become so confused and distressed.

That they are on the verge of leaving Islam altogether, why?
because they weren’t able to deal with this emotional stress that they are experiencing. the fact that they continuously sin and they cannot stop, and they’re on the verge of leaving Islam. unfortunately, because they didn’t learn how Islam addressed this issue, and what solution did Islam offer for this issue and let me know my brothers and sisters in Islam share with you a Hadith Rasulullah صَلَّى ٱللَّٰهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ that teaches us how a person should deal with such a situation.
I keep sinning and I cannot stop. what is the Islamic remedy for this?




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