Q/AMufti MenkScholar English

Valentines Day In Islam

Sometimes you know you find a spouse would perhaps buy a gift for someone, give someone and you say but what about me, where’s mine, I don’t want.
You know Valentine’s Day for us is every day of the year Valentine’s Day, every day of the year meaning we don’t mean St Valentine and so on but expressing love should not just be on a certain day, but I know of Muslims whose marriages have broken because the husband did not bring a rose or a flower or a gift for the wife on the day of Valentine’s, Muslims marriage broken, Valentine’s Day, Valentine’s Day, I went out, I went out all my friends got flowers, I didn’t get anything, I went out finish bad how am I going to show face to my friends.

My sister you don’t need to show face.
A marriage that works is not a marriage that is displayed on Facebook, a lot of those are actually not working, that’s why they have to show it on Facebook, if yours is working you’re busy working it you’re not busy on the net, Allahu Akbar

So people want to put oh me my husband and I and you’re hugging and you’re kissing and the pictures up wallahi, the evil eye is the truth, it happens, it comes you want to show everyone how delighted you are tomorrow broken, what happened woo, everyone was saying, wow what a couple.

They’re getting along so well, woo, Allahu Akbar, people forget Allah’s name and so next thing you’re busy fighting and you don’t know, why do you have to show?
Why do you have to say oh my beloved husband and speak to the globe, tell your husband that, Subhan Allah, tell your wife that, so this is why we say I know of another marriage, that broke because the wife suspected the man of giving her flowers that were supposedly from someone else, how’s that Allahu Akbar.

So here comes the day of Valentine’s and the flowers came I told you the flowers are supposed to come anytime, not only when you go to the graveyard, sorry I need to explain myself, you know at the graveyard you get these roses on people’s Graves sometimes people put you know we in Islam we’re not supposed to be doing that, you you’d rather make a Dua for the deceased than to do that, but some people when they go to the graveyard and they standing there they see a rose hey that’s good for my wife, take it.

So the only time they get roses you know one woman says every time my husband gives me a rose, I’ve got to ask him did you pass by the graveyard.
So the reality here is there was a case and this happens and I’m talking about it because it’s connected to the knot, there was a case where a man says he came with the flowers, the flowers are presented now there’s another problem what’s it where did you get these from, who sent them to you, how did you bring them, here if I don’t bring them there’s a problem, if I bring them there’s a problem, Allahu Akbar, what do I do?

May Allah help us really learn to appreciate like I said you don’t need to probe every detail, if you are kind and good towards your spouse and you give them time and you look at them often, trust me the love will increase, if you are kind and good to your spouse, and you have good words to say you have time for them, you look at them often you talk to them often with good words, trust me the love will increase, they won’t need to go onto the phone in order to find love, they have it at home there’s no deficit nothing at all, May Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala help us really, by all means may Allah make Dua ask Allah’s help and work towards it.

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