The One Time Our Prophet Missed Fajr

Ibnu qayyim also mentions when he talks about the wisdom of the creation of shaytan, that it is important to understand. How shaitaan gets to us just to briefly summarize some of the main things, obviously the simple tactics of shaytaan, Is the tactic to cause us to forget, to cause us to neglect and this is alhamdulillah, we thank allah that if shaytan succeeds we are not held accountable.
If we forget something, so of the tactics of shaytaan is he causes us to not think about our timing of salah we don’t realize, it’s time to pray, we don’t realize for example we can sometimes oversleep even though we wanted to wake up shaytaan might help us in extending that sleep.
We don’t wake up at all. Anytime this happens it is from shaytan. Once in the lifetime of the process and he overslept fajr. It is a wisdom of allah if allah had wanted to he would never have always left fajr and he overslept fajr, because it was the battle of the day before and the army was tired, they went to sleep late at night. He stationed bilal to wake them up for fajr and bilal himself fell asleep and the whole army overslept fajr.
Their excuse by the way was jihad the previous day, their excuse was wasn’t watching a film the previous day. It was doing jihad, the previous day. So if there is any excuse, then that is that excuse the process and woke up and said this is an area where shaytan so and so is, we will move somewhere else and he blamed it on shaitaan.
So shaytaan kind of sort of helped them persist in that sleep or it caused them to forget.
In surah al-kahf (18:63)
وَمَا أَنسَانِيهُ إِلَّا الشَّيْطَانُ أَنْ أَذْكُرَهُ
That Shaytan Caused Me To Forget That Tactic Of Shaytan. Even Though It Is Effective In The Sense.
If We Don’t Do The Good Deed, We Will Not Be Held Accountable And Allah [S.w.t] Will Overlook And Forgive. Of Course, The Main Tactic Of Shaitaan Is Waswasa And That Is To Whisper. Waswasa Means To Whisper, And The Waswasa Of Shaytan. It Is To Implant In Our Hearts An Idea That Should Not Be There And This Is A Very, Very Evil Tactic Think About It.
Our Hearts Are Pure We Don’t Want To Disobey Allah. Our Hearts Have Been Created To Worship Allah.
لَقَدْ خَلَقْنَا الْإِنسَانَ فِي أَحْسَنِ تَقْوِيمٍ
Qur’an [95:4]
we want to pray, we want to enjoy religiosity. but shaytaan comes and he throws something into our heart, and he causes us to think about something, We never thought about doing. And he continues to persist in trying to push us to commit a sin.
How evil is that?
we won’t even want to commit the sin and this is generally the case my dear brothers and sisters.
when an evil thought comes and the thought even surprises us like where did that come from?
How is how am i thinking about this? audhubillah! you yourself are disgusted, by what you think you are thinking. but you think you are thinking it. it is not you who is thinking it is shaytan who threw it into you and that is why the existence of shaytan actually makes us realize that alhamdulillah, our hearts insha allah generally they’re pure and so we blame shaytan for the bulk of our evil isn’t this a wisdom from allah?
when yusuf [A.S] what happened and he was saved at the end? What did he say?
مِن بَعْدِ أَن نَّزَغَ الشَّيْطَانُ بَيْنِي وَبَيْنَ إِخْوَتِي [Surah Yusuf:100]
It was shaitaan who caused my brothers to do what they did. What a beautiful wisdom and ibnu qayyim mentions this that we blame shaitaan for the evil it’s not my brother who did this shaitaan caused him to do it.
What a beautiful tactic that you blame shaytan because he’s worthy of being blamed he is the one who did it then your anger is not at your muslim brother, your anger is not as somebody who did something it’s at shaytan, who whispered them who did the waswasa and so because of that your hearts can be pure.
Towards your muslim brothers and sisters and you can blame shaytan oh, shaytaan caused them to say that shaitaan caused them to slip shaytan caused them to backbite they wouldn’t do it otherwise and in fact most of the time this is the case and that is why it is of the greatest wisdoms of the existence of shaitaan that we blame him for the evil and not mankind.