Q/ADr Zakir NaikScholar English

Is It Permissible to Read the Quran from Phone without Wudu

Is It Permissible to Read the Quran from the Phone without Wudu – Dr Zakir Naik
is it permissible to open the Holy Quran on the phone without performing wudu open and read it?
is it permissible to read the Quran on the phone on any smartphone and now it’s available there are many quranic apps you download it.

So if you open on the phone without doing wudu can you read it or is it compulsory even while reading the Quran on the phone iPhone or tablet you have to have do.
Regarding the question that can we touch a Quran and now is it permissible to touch the Quran the musaf of the Quran without wudu, there is a verse in the Quran where people normally quote of Surah Al-Waqi’a chapter 56 verse number 77 to 80

إِنَّهُ لَقُرْآنٌ كَرِيمٌ
That this is indeed a qur'an Most Honourable,
فِي كِتَابٍ مَّكْنُونٍ
In Book well-guarded,
لَّا يَمَسُّهُ إِلَّا الْمُطَهَّرُونَ
Which none shall touch but those who are clean:

that None Shall touch the Quran except those who are mutaharri, now this people prove from this verse that because of this verse the Quran is very clear-cut Allah says that no one can touch the Quran except in wudu you have to be pure this is a misconception if you read this verse in the context of Quran whether you read Ibn Kathir or any of the tafasir, it says that this verse was revealed when people laid allegation, that the prophet is receiving the messages from the Satan the verse was reveal none can touch it except those of mutaharrin.

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