How Soul Leave The body?
once we attended the janazah of somebody from the ansar and we followed the grave up until the qabr (Grave) and the qabr (Grave) had not yet been dug so all of us sat down with the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and somebody began to dig the qabr (Grave). now that’s gonna take a while, it’s gonna take some time.
So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam began speaking al bara ibn azib said the prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam looked up to the heavens and then he looked down to the earth, he looked up to the heavens he looked down to the earth, and then a third time he looked up to the heavens and then he looked down to the earth, three times he’s looking quietly looking up looking down then he said
اَللَّهُـمَّ إِنيِّ أَعوُذُ بِكَ مِنْ عذاب القبر
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oh allah i seek refuge in you from the azab (The Punishment) of The qabr (grave) then he began the hadith
when the Muslim is about to enter the next world and leave this dunya the malakul maut (The angel of death) comes and sits at his head. the malakul maut comes and sits at his head.
The Malak-Ul-Maut is this a noun or an adjective?
Scholars differ if you say it is a noun this means there’s one angel and his name is malakul maut. If you say it is an adjective then there are millions and millions of malakul maut and whoever takes your soul at that time that is your malakul maut. so is there one malakul maut or is there are there many many malakul maut Allah knows best. but it seems as indeed there might be one malakul maut was in charge. there’s nobody’s denying that but it does appear that every single soul has a specific malakul maut assigned to it. because Allah says in the Quran. malakul maut then the Malakul Maut.
this is in the Quran, that has been assigned to you will take your soul. so Allah is mentioning malakul maut and Malak-ul-Maut. If you know Arabic Allah is not saying al Malak not al malak. an angel of death this is how it translates not the angel of death.

So Allah says in the Quran that that the angel meaning an angel that has been assigned to you that angel will end up taking your soul. so it does appear that there are many Malak-Ul-Maut and maybe there is in fact a special Malak-Ul-Maut for every human being. and that is not something that is strange because the number of angels is beyond our comprehension no one can count the number of the angels of Allah the army of Allah other than Allah subhana WA Ta’ala.
So when the Muslim is about to leave this world and enter the next world the Malak-Ul-Maut comes and sits at his head so it’s at the place of the head.
Then there the angels of the heavens come down as if their faces are sun’s bright and they have with them the shrouds of Jannah and the perfumes of Jannah so when the person is about to pass away Allah sends a delegation of angels just for him now even though it is not explicit our scholars mentioned that the generality of the text of the Quran and Sunnah would indicate that this delegation varies from person to person.
The one who is muttaki is not like the one who is on the borderline and just about a good Muslim the one who prays Tahajjud and was Abid and zahid is not like the one who barely just prayed the five salah whathe and just just about made it and just like all deeds everyone has a Daraja from where they go so too is the delegation.
At the time of death body no sensation?
at the time of death and therefore the one who is righteous will get a more noble delegation and a more higher ranking delegation and large your delegation and the one who was middle will get the middle and the one who was at the very very end but still on the righteous side because this hadith applies to the first part applies to the righteous the second part applies to the next side so then he will get a lower delegation so angels will come and they will have with them the shrouds of Jannah and the perfumes of genda and they will sit as far as the eye can see now this would apply to the elite category.