Yahya IbrahimScholar English
Does Marriage Kill Love?
In today’s video we will answer some questions about Islamic marriage. If you have some questions about marriage in your mind, this video is for you!
- Who is Yahya Ibrahim?
- Dating is haram, but how are we going to know each other? What is the procedure to get married?
- What about the procedure? Should we wait so that we know each other more?
- So how can a person be sure to find the right person?
- How was your experience, if it’s not private?
- I like her but she’s not a religious person.” Will it get better after we get married?
- Would you marry your wife if she was not religious?
- Why do spouses become distant from each other over time? Isn’t it possible to preserve life like in the early days? Does marriage kill love?
- What would you advice to your daughter, when she’s about to marry?
Here all the answers: