Scholar EnglishMufti Menk


you’re worried about your health, you’re worried about your food, you worried about your drink, you worried about your safety, you worried about security, you worried about the enemy, you worried about animals, you worried about electricity, you worried about water, you’re worried about Eco cash, you worried about everything else Allah says we will test you, it’s a worry it’s a concern, it’s definitely a worry in this country we’re going through difficulty, but I want to let you know.

it’s not the only country, the most developed countries of this juncture are going through great challenges, huge challenges of a different nature subhanallah, Allah says we will test you with fear, what are you worried about?

Someone asks you what’s your greatest fear?
you have a long list of things to say, I’m worried about this, that how long have you been worried for?
I promised you the last 20 30 years right?
Who carried you along?
Allah he carried you along, I promise you, you are in a better condition today than you were in the past and we’re still worried subhanallah, when we had nothing we were worried, now we’ve got something we are more worried, why is it because the Reliance is now on what we have no longer on Allah, that’s where the problem is you see what we’re saying, rely on Allah, Allah says don’t worry, you don’t have, the morsel the next morsel, we will give it to you, but that test of Allah is supposed to be bringing you closer to Allah, he tells you in suratul baqarah he didn’t even say it later on in the Quran right at the beginning, Suratul Baqarah he’s saying, we’re going to test all of you every one of you, with what?

A little bit of fear, you’ll be scared sometimes, I explained to you all sorts of different types of fear, and hunger, you can understand that on your own hunger, sometimes you will be hungry, sometimes they may not be food, sometimes they will be famine, sometimes there might be money and no food, and sometimes there might be money and no food and sometimes there will be neither food nor money that’s Allah.

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