Allah Keeps These Angels Very Busy

As i mentioned earlier the bearers of the throne, how they would actually ask Allah (SWT) to forgive us as Allah (SWT) that they seek forgiveness for the believers. This is actually something that we should be keen on that the angels would mention us to Allah in the messenger (saw), to have as many of them as possible going to Allah (SWT) and mentioning our names to Allah (SWT) in a favorable way.
And the prophet saws he told us particularly that the angels have shifts. You know, the angels have shifts with us. At fajr and at asr they shift. you know, they switch these shifts, you know, Subhanallah so how as we go to work, they have their work as well.
and the Prophet (saw) said that when a person attends Salah in congregation in Fajr and in Asar, then those two groups of angels, they meet at those prayers, and that’s when they attend the Salah and then they go back to Allah (swt). So the group that is departing from you, they go to a Allah (swt) and says, they say to Allah (swt) asks, rather, you know, what were they doing? and they say….. we left them as they were praying.