Mufti MenkScholar English

Going back to sin again and again?

When you have a bad habit say pornography, say adultery, extremely bad in the case of adultery major sin, in the case of pornography minor sin, but it’s still a sin.
And i want to tell you something. When you have a bad habit of this nature, and you want to eradicate it and you have told yourself no more, a day will come when you might slip up again, right.
You might drop again, because you know what, you’re a human. On that day don’t think ah i blew it, that’s it now i’m back to my old ways, you’re not, you’re not back to your old ways, no.

If you blew it one day, at least you did better, you used to do it every day before, now it happened today, but you’re going to turn back to allah immediately and say you seek forgiveness once again and you’re not going to do it again and you stop it.

So the gap between your falling would be bigger and bigger until a day will come when you will totally stop it. You get the point, shaytan makes you lose hope so if you said right from today i’m not going to commit the sin anymore, and a month later you dropped, shaytan says you see you’re back to where, you were so then you can you shaytan might make you say well it’s okay now i’m just gonna go back because you know what, i’m too weak and i just can’t do this. No you can, you can, you will, you shall and you must.

If you fell a month later, get up seek the forgiveness of allah. You might fall six months later. How’s the gap bigger, is that an improvement?
It’s like smoking three cigarettes from thirty, see big improvement, after that, you might fall a year later.
What happened?
You must get up immediately and promise allah that you’re going to stop it and you’re not going to do it again. That’s the condition then you can eradicate that bad habit, otherwise if you’re going to give up every time you fall, we all fall, we all fall, myself included we are human beings.

We will fall, allah wants you to be dedicated, if you missed one salah, does it mean you must stop, all your salah, no you might miss it even if you are regular with your salah, you’re a human being. The Prophet ﷺ says you may sleep a little bit sometimes much and you might not realize that the time of salah has crossed as soon as you get up fulfill your salah.

Oh you might suffer with forgetfulness at the time, it’s possible, you were busy doing something and you forgot. that’s a hadith of the prophet ﷺ

من نام عن الصلاة أو نسيها فليصلها إذا ذكرها
Whoever sleeps over a prayer or forgets a prayer should fulfill it or should do the qaza as soon as they remember.
[sunan at-Tirmidhi:177]

As soon as they can, it’s a simple hadith.
He didn’t say that’s a bad person, because you’re a human. But the point i’m raising is. In the same way when you are trying to get rid of a bad habit, you might falter somewhere down the line don’t let that be, a means of you giving up but rather get up and continue for longer, without that bad habit.

In the same way, that if you were to miss a salah, you won’t just throw in the towel and say no more salah for me because i missed one but rather you will make sure you do the qaza you seek allah’s forgiveness, you continue further and you try your best, not to miss salah perhaps years will pass and you wouldn’t have missed a salah may Allah keep us all strong.

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